Clubroot Survey Results

Explore the latest locations and trends

Fig. 1: Clubroot of canola

Annual Clubroot Inspection Completed

The County cpmpleted its annual clubroot inspection for 2022. During this survey, the Agricultural Services team inspects all canola fields for visible symptoms of clubroot on canola plants, as per Policy 02-010-03 – Control of Clubroot Disease.

Thank you to all producers who participated in the annual inspections! Lac Ste. Anne County is endlessly impressed with our producers’ ability to prevent the spread of this soil-borne crop disease. More information regarding this disease can be found in the Clubroot Management Section of the Government of Alberta's website. information on suitable species, shelterbelt design, planting recommendations and more.

Annual Clubroot Mapping

At this time, anyone with a confirmed field should have been contacted by the County, or by the property landowner. If you wish to confirm whether your field was found positive, please review the 2020 clubroot map or contact Agricultural Services directly.

Regional Clubroot Patterns

Over the last ten years, the County has seen a relatively distinct high-low cycle of confirmed clubroot within the Lac Ste. Anne region.

Healthy Farmers = Healthy Farms

Studies show that the agricultural community is at higher risk of stress, anxiety, and depression than the general population. When times get tough, we need to stick together.

Explore these producer-focused mental health resources, and please reach out if you need support.

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