Snow & Ice Removal

Keeping Streets & Walkways Safe

Snow is an inescapable part of winter. The County reminds ratepayers that the responsibility to keep sidewalks free and clear of debris within a certain timeframe, is that of the property owner(s) or occupant(s); this includes ice, snow, and slush.

Snow & Ice Removal Guidelines

When winter rears its ugly head, with it comes the snow. Lac Ste. Anne County would like to remind all residents that the responsibility to keep sidewalks free and clear of debris within a certain timeframe, is that of the property owner(s) or occupant(s); this includes ice, snow, and slush. Please refer to the relevant sections of Bylaw 33-2008 - Traffic Bylaw, Section 21 as follows:


a. Wherever Sidewalks exist, the Owner or the occupier of any premises within Lac Ste. Anne County adjacent to a Sidewalk shall remove and clear away all snow, ice, dirt or other obstruction from the Sidewalk adjacent to such premises within twenty-four (24) hours of such snow, ice, dirt, or other obstruction being deposited thereon, and upon failure thereof, the County may provide for the clearing of such Sidewalks, at the adjacent owner's expense, and add the costs thereof to the tax-roll of the adjacent property.


Sidewalks & Highways

No person shall place or allow to be placed any obstruction on any Sidewalk or Highway including snow, ice, dirt or any other obstruction without the written consent of Lac Ste. Anne County.

a. No person owning or occupying property within Lac Ste. Anne County, to which entry or exit for Vehicles is made onto a Highway, shall allow water, mud, slush, ice, frozen snow, or snow to be pushed onto the Highway, or let such materials remain on the Highways as a result of clearing or cleaning the exits or entry to said property. Snow, ice, dirt or any other obstruction placed or caused to be placed on any Sidewalk or Highway shall be removed by the Owner or occupant of such premises within a twenty-four (24) hour period.

Upon failure thereof, the County may provide for the clearing of any obstruction on such Sidewalks of Highways, or remove the said water, mud, slush, ice, or icy or frozen snow at the adjacent owner's expense and add the costs thereof to the tax roll of the adjacent property.

Anyone contravening the provisions of this section is guilty of an offense and liable to a specified penalty for the first offense of $250.00; for a second offense of $500.00; and for a third offense and any other offense occurring within a calendar year of $1000.00.

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